Interact With These Egg Racks at Your Own Risk

Interact With These Egg Racks at Your Own Risk

While researching for an upcoming project, we stumbled across these images of sculptural and performative egg racks by London-based Liang-Jung Chen’s interactive exhibition entitled The Egg Rack Made a Disclaimer. Chen’s work has been presented extensively in Taipei, where she was born, the London Design Festival, Melbourne Design Week, Dutch Design Week, and soon Paris Design Week.

As someone who genuinely wanted to join the circus after graduating university, naturally the balancing act of Chen’s series was attractive and inspiring. The interactive installations explore vulnerability, personal boundaries, and the invisible tension between the two.

By leaning into the unrivaled simplicity, fragility, and ubiquity of an egg, the exhibit examines the accountability structure between the creator, the object, and the user, through equally unassuming shapes that evoke suspense. With a disclaimer (and cleaning supplies) at the entrance, the show warns visitors “interact with the egg racks at your own risk.”

As food designers ourselves, we admire how Chen’s sketches and ultimately her pieces explore the interplay between the organic and the manmade. This high contrasting relationship is at the core of everything we try to make at Pinch Food Design, and thus find her work inspiring and stimulating.

from Design MilkDesign Milk


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